DXC-ITEM-CREATION-WIZARD - Frequently asked questions
Support contact details can be located on the Contact tab at Organization administration> Workspaces > Product support
Navigate to Help & support > About. A list of installed models will be displayed on the Version tab. Search for DXC Item Creation. The version information will be displayed on the right (eg DXC Item Creation
When an Item creation session is generated the update template will record the values assigned to the respective product attributes at that time. If another user has submitted changes, whether in progress, approved or still in workflow these will be overridden by the most recent submission. It is for this reason we recommend that the number of templates used to update product attributes are minimal.
Yes, when you run an update session that includes Product Attributes, the session will display the default attribute value that was assigned when you configured the template and the current system value for all other attributes against the relevant item.
Currently, when you run an update session that includes product attributes, all attributes assigned against the released product are displayed in the template.
Yes, if you have a variant for your Product Master that has been released without an Item Status, you can update this variant to display the status indicator using the Item Status Link. See Updating a single item
Since every product attribute for released products is contained in a single table, all we are doing when we submit updates through the UI or an upload is creating a unique record that is converted into the values we see. Because of this, only the final file that we upload at a time has the final record id. It is therefore advised that product attributes be updated by the released product rather than by attribute value against the released product in order to prevent user misunderstanding.