Core Extensions

Core Extensions - Multiple Legal Entity General Journal

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Introduced in Release

General Journal Import for multiple Legal Entities


The Import ledger journal multi-company functionality provides a user-friendly method for importing general journal transaction data for multiple legal entities from one target sheet, incorporating the company offset field. The import supports both Excel and CSV formats. All the standard validation and defaulting occur in the same way as the Data Management Framework (DMF) currently does for the standard General journal entity. The new menu item General ledger > Periodic tasks > Import ledger journal multi company has been created see Process for further detail


New General journal data entity

A new General journal Data Entity has been developed titled, Core ledger journal entity This entity supports journals of type Daily. The allowed ledger types are Ledger, Bank, Vendor, and Customer. Once the data is run to target, the entity will automatically populate the Journal number to the next available in that legal entity.

The new entity introduces the below key fields (that are not part of the standard General journal entity)

Field Description Mandatory
BATCHID When utilised, this is used to keep track of the actual values provided in the Excel template. When populating your Excel template, set this field to the same value as JOURNALBATCHNUMBER, which assigns the appropriate journal number.
When importing a journal, you can specify either BATCHID, JOURNALBATCHNUMBER, or both. When the journal batch number is populated after the import, it will be updated to the next available number in the target table. Still, the batch ID will keep the actual number specified in the template. If left blank, the field does not update on import. .
InterCo_Entity This populates the Intercompany/ Offset company for that line No
TargetCompany This is the target Legal entity that the Journal is for. The Target company will determine the required number sequence for JOURNALBATCHNUMBER Yes

First-time use

Before use, The new entity needs to be configured as set-based following the below instructions

  1. Navigate to Workspaces > Data management > Data entities to display the list of available entities.
  2. Search for “Core ledger journal entity” in the Entity column
  3. Select Edit from the Action Pane and enable the Set-based processing tick box
  4. Click the Save icon.

Map the security role for the data imports;

The Import project needs to have a security role applied to it for non-administrator users to have permission to import files into the journals and/or see the execution history resulting from the import. It is recommended that Accounting Manager be set to use the import features:

Navigate to Workspace > Data management > Set up roles for data projects
Select New
Add the Accounting Manager security role to the nominated processing group

Additional Instructions/References

To create a Data Import template
To Create Data Entity Import Project
For Security Roles and to Set up roles for data projects For Processing instructions

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