EDI Integration systems

Introduction to EDI Integration systems

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Introduction to EDI Integrations systems

This section will provide a quick overview of the Integration systems EDI module.
Integrations module is beneficial for EDI documents that are not specific to a customer, vendor or warehouse.
Change tracking is used to send data based on full or changes to the tracked table(s).
Examples are integrating with an online store.


Core EDI documents (All trading partners)

EDI contains the following documents pertaining to all Trading partners.

Integrations EDI documents (Integrations license only)

EDI contains the following documents pertaining to Integration system Trading partners.


Core setup

Core setup is discussed in detail here

Integration setup

Integration systems Document type setup

Setup Document types which will be assigned on Integrations Trading partner.
Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Setup > Document types

Integration systems

Integrations trading partner isn’t linked to D365 customer, vendor or warehouse.
This form allows the ability to create the Integration systems account that will be used when creating the Integrations Trading partner.

Trading partner setup

Create new trading partners and assign setup and incoming/outgoing documents.
Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Setup > Trading partners


Import files

Ability to manually import or review inbound files

Export files

Ability to manually export or review outbound files

Export batch jobs

Integration systems module utilizes the Export batch jobs to schedule outgoing documents.

Integrations documents

Review staging records.
Users can access the forms by navigating to EDI > Documents > Integration systems documents

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