Finance Utilities

Cash and bank management setup - Periodic import Bank statement

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Bank statement periodic import

When the bank statements are to be imported via the periodic task Import bank statements via financial utilities connection, the following prerequisites are required.


  1. Setup Financial utilities connection
  2. Setup Bank accounts:
    • Select applicable Financial utilities connection - Optional (for info)


  1. Setup File attachment document type on Financial utilities parameters to attach the import file to the created D365 Bank statement(s).

Batch job

After the prerequisites have been completed, setup required batch job(s) by using Cash and bank management > Periodic tasks > Import bank statements via financial utilities connection

Field Description Mandatory
Financial utilities connection Select the applicable Financial utilities connection Y
Statement format Select the applicable bank statement format Y

Bank statement

Cash and bank management > Bank statement reconciliation > Bank statements.
Filter Imported via financial utilities connection on the Bank statement form, provides users with the ability to filter to bank statements imported via the batch job.
If the file contains any bank accounts that can’t be found in D365, no bank statements will be created, and the file will be moved from the Import to Error path as setup on the Financial connection.

Where the Statement format selected in the Batch job, is a Custom format, the created bank statement’s:

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