Overview of the 3PL EDI module process

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Process overview

Picking list and Picking list registration (From warehouse)

When a D365 warehouse has been loaded as a 3PL Trading partner and has the Picking list document setup and enabled, posting a sales or transfer order’s picking list will create an outbound staging record to send to the 3PL instructing them to ship the stock.
The 3PL then returns the Picking list registration document, confirming what has/will be shipped.

The inbound Picking list registration documents needs to refer back to original Picking list:

Shipment advice and Shipment receipts (To warehouse)

When a D365 warehouse has been loaded as a 3PL Trading partner and has the Shipment advice document(s) setup and enabled, the following trigger points will create an outbound staging record to inform the 3PL of inbound stock to their warehouse:

The 3PL then returns the Shipment receipt document (s), confirming what has been received:

The inbound Shipment receipt documents needs to refer back to original Shipment advice:

Inventory adjustments

Various inbound documents are available for a 3PL to adjust inventory.

Master data

The following outbound document existing for 3PL master data.

EDI history

The following D365 pages includes a History button, which provides users the ability to easily access EDI staging records related to the record:


The following table provides a summary of how the various documents relate for the warehouse (WH) and the minimum D365 transaction created for the inbound document.

Outbound document D365 trigger to create outbound Inbound document Inbound D365 transaction
Picking list
• Sales order
• Transfer order
Generate Picking list (From WH) Picking list registration Stock picked
Shipment advice – Purchase order Generate Receipts list (To WH) Shipment receipt – Purchase order Arrival journal
Shipment advice – Transfer order Ship Transfer order (To WH) Shipment receipt – Transfer order Arrival journal
Shipment advice – Return order Send Return order (To WH) Shipment receipt – Return order Arrival journal
Shipment advice – Voyage Send to EDI (To WH) Shipment receipt – Voyage Arrival journal

Inventory adjustment - Transfer Transfer journal

Inventory adjustment - Counting Movement journal

Inventory adjustment - Reconciliation Movement journal

Inventory adjustment - Movement Movement journal

Document errors

When an incoming staging record/document errors, it has not created/updated the target D365 transaction.
When an outgoing staging record/document errors, it has not created the Outbound file.

Staging/document errors can be viewed at:

Users can use Show log and Version log to review the issues. And after the issue has been fixed, reset the status of the record. The next processing batch will pick up the Not started status record.

Fixing Staging-to-Target EDI errors

See FAQ for example errors and possible method(s) of fixing.

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