Finance Utilities

Accounts payable setup - Sundry payment

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Accounts payable functionality

The fields as described in the following subsections are available to control the additional functionality for accounts payable.

Sundry payment

The functionality gives the ability to enter a supplier name and address on an individual invoice allowing these details to be used on cheque payments, as well as one-off BSB and Account Number for EFT Payments. Therefore, many one-time vendor invoices can be stored on a single sundry vendor record but allowing for separate payments without a change to the vendor record information. This also makes it possible to pay all sundry invoices in one payment proposal.

Setup Sundry payment

Method of Payment

Users can access the Method of payment page by navigating to Accounts payable > Payment setup > Methods of payment.
A Sundry vendor needs its own method of payment. This is what differentiates the Sundry vendor from other vendors. A new Method of payment field called Sundry method of payment has been added to record this.

Field Description
Sundry method of payment Select Yes for Sundry payment processing

Sundry Vendor

Users can access the All vendors page by navigating to Accounts payable > Vendors > All vendors.
Define the Vendor to be used for Sundry payments, and set the vendor’s Method of payment to the Sundry method of payment setup in previous step.

Sundry payment processing

Sundry payment processing is discussed in detail at Sundry payment processing.

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