Forex contract

Create Forex contract

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Create a Forex contract

Go to Forex contracts > Forex contracts > All forex contracts.
To create a new record, select the New button in the navigation bar and enter the following details.

Field Description
Forex number If you’ve set up a number sequence for forex number, this field is automatically set to a unique, system generated ID. Otherwise, enter a unique ID
Contract number Bank’s contract number
Description Short description of the Forex Contract
Status Open - Default when creating new contract. Contract is available to be linked to orders if expiration date is still in the future
Cashed in – Once the expiration date has been reached, users can cash in the contract and the status will be updated accordingly
Exchange rate Forex Contract forward rate
Fee The amount of fee that is related to the Forex contract
Base currency The currency used to purchase the foreign currency. The base currency is normally the local currency within D365 and thus the default.
Terms currency The terms currency is the currency which is being purchased
Amount The amount in terms currency that is going to be purchased
Base currency amount The amount in base currency amount used to purchase the terms currency. This field is calculated by D365 based on Amount and Exchange rate fields.
Unallocated amount The remaining amount in terms currency of Forex contracts. This is the amount which has not yet been allocated to any documents.
Settled amount The settled amount in terms currency of Forex, this is the amount of Forex which has been allocated to invoices or vendor transactions.
Remaining amount The remaining amount in terms currency of Forex, this is the amount which hasn’t yet been used. The difference between Amount and Settled amount
Contract period  
Date The Forex Contract date
Fixed term period The Forex contract might cover a fixed period, i.e. 90 days or 6 months. Options include: Day, Week, Month, and Year.
Fixed term value Numeric value of the units defined in Fixed term period field
Expiration date The Forex contract’s expiry date. It could either be calculated using Date, Fixed term period and Fixed term value fields or be manually input.
Bank account Bank account with which the Forex Contract was made
Allow overallocation Indicate whether the allocated amount of Forex contracts can exceed the contract value
Vendor account If the Contract was purchased from a vendor this can be specified here
Dealer reference Dealer information field
Cash in bank account Defaults from Forex parameters
Remarks A text field which allows extra bank / vendor information to be specified
Exchange rate Spot exchange rate on the contract day
Spot rate amount Calculated based on previous Exchange rate field, else the current rate as setup in General ledger.
Premium The difference between Spot rate amount and Base currency amount
Cash in  
Cash in journal number Once the Forex contract has been cashed in, this field will be populated with the created journal number.
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