EDI Core

EDI Core Documents - Functional acknowledgement outbound

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Functional acknowledgement outbound

When a Trading partner requires a Functional Acknowledgement for sent EDI files, the following is required:

  1. Create document Template for Functional acknowledgement outbound.
  2. If required, create Setting profile for the Functional acknowledgement outbound. See below.
  3. Add the Functional acknowledgement outbound document type to Trading Partner’s Outgoing documents and Enable.
  4. On each applicable incoming documents for the Trading partner, set Acknowledgement to Yes.

Setting profiles

Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Setup > Document types and filtering/selecting the Functional acknowledgement outbound document.
See Setting profiles for more details on how to create a Setting profile.

Field Description Options/example
Document type mapping Assign applicable document type mapping to setting Mappings setup at EDI > Setup > Document type mapping

View Staging table records

Incoming staging records

Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Documents. All Inbound EDI staging forms has a field Sent indicating if a Functional acknowledgement outbound has been sent to the trading partner for each incoming document.

Functional acknowledgement outbound staging records

Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Documents > Functional acknowledgement outbound.
Use this form to review staging records and optionally manually process the staging record.

List page

Field Description
EDI number EDI Staging table record id.
Company Company account for the staging record.
Template Id Document type template that will be used to create the outbound file to the staging record.
Staging to target status The current status of the staging record. Options include:
Not Started: The Functional Acknowledgement has been created but no file has yet been generated.
Error: The Functional Acknowledgement has been processed but no file has been created. There are errors with the record that need to be reviewed.
Completed: The Functional Acknowledgement file has been created and added to the outbound file queue.
Trading partner account Trading partner account for the staging record.
Trading partner GLN The trading partners’ global location number is shown here.
Company GLN The company’s global location number is shown here.
Group control number Trading partner’s original document that is being acknowledged’s group control number.
Document type Trading partner’s original document type being acknowledged. Document type mapping
Created date and time The date and time the staging record was created.


Button Description
Create selected files Create the file for export for the selected records. Button is only enabled for records with Staging to target status set to Not Started.
Create files Create the files for export. Creates outbound files for all records with Staging to target status set to Not Started.
Outbound files View the outbound file record created for the staging record.
Trading partner View the staging record’s Trading partner details.
Show log If there are Errors within the staging record, it is possible to review them at any time using this button. Shows only current version.
Reset status Reset the staging’s Staging to target status to enable resending of the staging record. Enabled where the record’s Staging to target status is not set to Not Started.
Edit reset status recurrence Option to edit the reset status recurrence for the record. Enabled where the Staging to target status is set to Error.
Reset template Reset the template that will be used to create the outbound file for the selected record. Enabled where the record’s Staging to target status is not set to Completed.

Header fields

Field Description
EDI number EDI Staging table record id.
Company Company account for the staging record.
Template Id Document type template that will be used to create the outbound file to the staging record.
Staging to target status The current status of the staging record. Options include:
Not Started: The Functional Acknowledgement has been created but no file has yet been generated.
Error: The Functional Acknowledgement has been processed but no file has been created. There are errors with the record that need to be reviewed.
Completed: The Functional Acknowledgement file has been created and added to the outbound file queue.

Line fields

The Functional Acknowledgement only has header fields. Header details are repeated.

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