EDI 3PL Setup - Document type Setting profiles - Shipment receipt - Voyage
Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > Setup > Document types.
Field | Description | Options/Example |
Create batch | If the 3PL’s batch doesn’t exist in D365, allow the batch to be created. Batch details from message will be used to create the D365 batch | • No - Staging record will error if batch doesn’t exist in D365 • Yes - D365 batch created and used in Arrival journal |
Auto post journal | When the Landed cost Voyage receipt is received and arrival journal created, the journal should also be automatically posted | • No – Arrival journal is created but not posted • Yes – Arrival journal is automatically posted |
The Setting profile can be assigned on the Incoming documents FastTab to document type Shipment receipt - Voyage for the 3PL Trading partner at EDI > Setup > Trading partners.