DXC Finance Utilities

Cash and bank management setup - Financial utilities parameters

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Advanced bank reconciliation functionality

The fields as described in the following subsections are available to control the additional functionality for advanced bank reconciliation.


Financial utilities parameters

The Financial utilities parameter page within Cash and bank management is used to define settings that apply to Advanced bank statement functionality. These settings offer extended options on reconciliation matching rules, additional functionality on the bank reconciliation worksheet and other behavior. The settings also includes number sequence. To open the Financial utilities parameters page, go to Cash and bank management > Setup > Advanced bank reconciliation setup > Financial utilities parameters.
Then set the fields as described in the following subsections.


Reconciliation matching rule

Field Description
Extended matching rule operator This parameter activates a new operator Included in in the Reconciliation matching rules form. It supplements the Contains capability, and means that the field selected is a part of the nominated Bank statement field.
Extended financial details for new transaction This parameter enables the capture of the following details automatically if the bank statement line is marked as ‘New’
• Financial dimensions
• Sub-Ledger offset account
Reference type Populate Reference type where Customer references are used to find D365 customer account for mark as new Reconciliation matching rules using field Offset account reference bank statement field.

Bank reconciliation

Field Description
Ability to reconcile unmatched statements If this parameter is not marked, the button Mark as reconciled is disabled in the Bank Reconciliation Worksheet when Unmatched amount is NOT zero.
Ability to enter reconciliation balances This parameter allows the user to enter any amount to balance the difference between the statement line and bank transaction line, in a separate Correction column.
The correction balance is posted to the ledger account associated with the bank transaction type as setup in Cash and bank management > Setup > Bank transaction type
Auto assign Match id Streamline Match Id and Match Bank reconciliation Worksheet functionality. When marked bank statement and bank transactions balances, the user can select the Match button and Match id will be auto assigned. The user is then not required to select Match Id before Match.

Bank statement

Field Description
Enable custom bank statement formats This parameter enables a Customized format field in bank statement format in Cash and bank management > Setup > Advanced bank reconciliation setup > Bank statement format.
If the bank statement format is marked as a customised format, additional fields become active to configure the BAI2/NAI/Flat/BRS file statement upload
Auto-post bank statement When Auto-post bank statement is to Yes, the bank statement will automatically be posted upon selecting Mark as reconciled from the Bank Reconciliation Worksheet page.
File attachment document type Select applicable document type. When populated, the import file will be attached to the created bank statement(s). This applies to bank statements created with manual or periodic job import.
Ensure the file extension is setup in all applicable legal entities File types in Document management parameters.

Setup for customer payment journal Required when using Bank reconciliation matching rules to create customer payment journals - see here for more information.

Field Description
Reconciliation customer payment journal name Used to populate Name in the customer payment journal created when using bank reconciliation matching rules with Offset account type set to Customer.
Method of payment Used to populate Method of payment in the customer payment journal created when using bank reconciliation matching rules with Offset account type set to Customer.
Populate unique voucher for each journal line When customer payment journal is created using the additional Finance utilities fields on Reconciliation matching rules (for mark as new transactions), this field provides options if the journal will be created with unique vouchers for each line. If new field is enabled, General ledger parameters’ Allow multiple transactions within one voucher doesn’t need to be enabled.
Only match posted statement lines Select to match only the bank statement lines posted as D365 bank transactions when running Reconciliation matching rule with action Mark new transactions. For example mark as new bank reconciliation rule finds three records in the bank statement, but only two of the customers exist and thus won’t balance since only two lines were posted as customer payment journal lines. This option only applies to where the Reconciliation matching rule creates and posts new customer payment journals.

Number sequences

The following number sequences are available for advanced bank reconciliation.

Field Description
Match Id The number sequence that defines the Match IDs on the bank reconciliation Worksheet
Staging Id The number sequence that defines AR Utilities Remittance format’s Staging Id
Template ID The number sequence that defines AR Utilities Remittance format’s Template Id
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