DXC Finance Utilities - AR Utilities

Customer remittance format setup

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Remittance format

The fields as described in the following subsections are available to control the file format for periodic import tasks available in additional licensed feature Finance utilities - AR utilities.

Number sequence

Cash and bank management > Setup > Advanced bank reconciliation setup > Financial utilities parameters

The following number sequences are required for setting up AR Utilities Remittance format.

Field Description
Staging Id The number sequence that defines the Remittance format’s Staging Id
Template ID The number sequence that defines the Remittance format’s Template Id

Data management

Ensure entity Customer payment journal header contains field DXCARIMPORTVIAFINU.
Create a new import Data management project using composite entity Customer payment journal.

Remittance format

Note: The page is only available where additional licensed feature Finance utilities - AR utilities is enabled.

To open the Remittance format page, go to Accounts receivable > Payment setup > Remittance format.
On the Action Pane, select New and enter the following details.


Field Description
Custom format When set to Yes, a custom format can be set via button Mappings.
Import format configuration When Custom format is set to No, an electronic reporting configuration can be selected.
Processing group Select the Import Data project previously created in Progressing group. This data project will be used when importing the file and processing to customer payment journal.
When Custom format is set to Yes:  
Flat or structured Select if the import file format is flat or structured.
Flat – A single line per record. Each line of text in the file has all the header information on it as well as the line information.
Structured – Multiple lines per record. Each line in the file is either a header type or a line type.
Delimited or fixed Select if the import file format is delimited or fixed.
Delimited – Columns using a defined separator.
Fixed – Fixed width.
Column delimiter Select the Row delimiter used within the file, options:
{;} – Semicolon
{:} – Colon
{,} – Comma
{t} – Tab
{|} Vertical bar
Record identifier position Where the file is Structured, specify the Record identifier position.
Date format Select the applicable date format.
Decimal adjustment This specifies the Decimal adjustment required for the Remittance’s Amount. For example remittance amount is 20055, but last two charactes are decimal, thus amount to be mapped to D365 Bank statement is 200.55
For this example enter 2 in Decimal adjustment field.
Field format

The ability to set field format is available for the following fields:

Select the Field format for the applicable field and set one of the following options:

The Example and Value field is automatically updated based on above selection. The user can also paste/type their own example into Example to view the resulted Value from their setup.

Example result for each option:

Option Setup Example
Bank statement field’s original data
No format   xxUS-001xx xxUS-001xx
Fixed field position Start position: 2
Length: 6
xxUS-001xx US-001
Delimited field position Delimiter:
Field position: 0
US-001 extra description US-001
Custom format \*(.+)\* *US-001* US-001


Where Custom format is set to Yes, select Mapping to map the file format fields.

The mapping is made up of two sections:

Remittance format field Data management target
Amount Customer payment journal line entity > Credit
Reference number Used to find D365 customer account and populate: Customer payment journal line entity > Account
Account type is set to Customer.
Description Customer payment journal line entity > Description
Invoice Customer payment journal line entity > Invoice
If Reference number is not used to find Customer, the invoice can also be used to populate:
Customer payment journal line entity > Account
Payment reference Customer payment journal line entity > Payment reference
Date Customer payment journal line entity > Date - If Methods of payment’s Posting date is set to use Remittance transaction date

File sections


Select Add to add mappings for a text file

Note: The Section type information will be defaulted and only a single Line entry is possible for flat text templates.


File sections are the different types of lines that can be found in a structured type file (as defined in the Template’s setup called Flat or structured).
Field mappings belong to each file section.

A Structured file can have many different file sections, all with an associated section type.

Field mappings

Field mappings define how the data is positioned in the file on the section line. Fields can also be statically set to values and certain functions are available to transform the fields data if required.

Field Description
Value type Whether the field value is a static value or a mapped field value
Static value If the field type is a static type, then enter the static value
Staging field The mapped staging field
Staging table The table the mapped field represents
Field position The position in the file the mapping represents
** Field length Number of characters for field
** Alignment Select Left or Right alignment for the field
** Padding character Enter a padding character for the field

Note: ** Available for Fixed type text templates.

There are two ways to add a field mapping:

Manual selection
  1. To create a new mapping, select Add from the mapping FastTab.
  2. Select if the Value type will be:
    • Field - mapped to or from staging field, or
    • Static - Static value used
  3. If the Value type is Static, complete the Static value
    Note: Static value can be either plain text or a method between brackets for outbound files. Example:
  4. Specify the Staging field. Switch bewteen the header and lines table to find the required field.
  5. Enter the Field position within the file.

Note: To delete a line, select the record then select Remove.

Fields picker

Alternatively, a bulk field picker can be used to add multiple mappings at once.

Field Description
Selected Mark whether to add the field.
Also indicates if the field is already selected for the template.
Field label The label of the field
Field name The name of the field

Buttons Select all and Clear all are also available to easily select or clear all fields for the mapping.

Note: To delete a line, select the record then select Remove. Lines can also be moved using the Move up or Move down buttons. If a field needs to be added more than once, use manual Add button on the Mappings FastTab.

Where used

The Remittance format is assigned on Methods of payment.
The Methods of payment is assigned in the Periodic task called Payment journal import.

Also see:

Data entities

Order Entity
1 Finance utilities template file
2 Remittance format
3 Finance utilities template file section
4 Finance utilities template file line section
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