EDI Core

EDI Core - EDI Document workspaces

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EDI Document workspace

Users can access the form by navigating to EDI > EDI Document maintenance.

The EDI document maintenance workspace provides a quick and easy way to view all errors relating to the processing of:

In addition, from within the workspace it is possible to view and even process information relating to the selected records.

Each module also displays the outstanding inbound functional acknowledgements.
The staging record/s that still requires the inbound functional acknowledgement is determined by:

Option Description
Process Process the selected Not started record(s) in the staging table.
Reset status Reset the Error staging transfer status to enable reprocessing document errors.
Cancel Select Cancel to update the Staging to target status to Canceled. Button is enabled when the Staging to target status is not set to Completed.
Show log If there are Errors within the staging table, it is possible to review them at any time using this button for the selected record.
Version log View all defined errors for the selected record. When a document’s status is reset and reprocessed a new log version is created. If the log is not defined, more information can be viewed via Execution log.
Staging to target status The current status of the Inbound or Outbound staging record.
Outbound options include:
Not Started - The outbound staging record has been created but no outbound file has yet been generated.
Error - The outbound staging record has been processed, but no file has been created. There are errors with the record that needs to be reviewed.
Completed - The outbound staging record file has been created and added to the outbound file queue.
Canceled – The record has been manually canceled and will be excluded from processing.
Inbound options include:
Not Started - The inbound file has successfully created the inbound staging record, but the staging record hasn’t been processed to D365 target.
Error - The inbound staging record has been processed, but no D365 target has yet been created/updated. There are errors with the record that need to be reviewed.
Completed - The inbound staging record has been processed and D365 target created/updated.
Canceled – The record has been manually canceled and will be excluded from processing.
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