Finance Utilities

Accounts payable setup - BPAY payment

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Accounts payable functionality

The fields as described in the following subsections are available to control the additional functionality for accounts payable.

BPAY Payment

The BPAY pages are used to setup additional fields needed to capture BPAY details for your EFT payment.

Setup BPAY payment

The following is required to setup BPAY payment:

  1. Method of payment: Create a BPAY method of payment
  2. Company bank: Add BPAY details
  3. Vendor bank account: Add default BPAY details, but these can be edited or entered when processing the vendor invoice as well.

Method of payment

Users can access the form by navigating to Accounts payable > Payment setup > Methods of payment.

Enabling field BPAY method of payment updates the following:

The following fields have been added as part of the BPAY modification, but are optional since not mandatory for all ANZ banks:

Note: Payment ID can be used for Customer reference number (CRN)

Company bank

Users can access the Company’s Bank accounts page by navigating to Cash and bank management > Bank accounts > Bank accounts. The following field have been added as part of the BPAY modification and can be used for mapping in the GER:

Vendor bank account

Users can access the Vendor’s Bank accounts page by navigating to Accounts payable > Vendors > All vendors. Select the applicable vendor and select the button Bank accounts. The following fields have been added as part of the BPAY modification:

Data entities

The new BPAY fields have been added to the applicable data entities:

Field Data entity DFU field
BPAY Batch id Bank accounts BankAccountTable.DFUBPAYBatchId
Biller code Vendor bank accounts VendBankAccount.DFUBillerCode
Lodgement reference Vendor bank accounts VendBankAccount.DFULodgementRef
Validate lodgement reference is mandatory Vendor payment method VendPaymModeTable.DFUValidateLodgementRefIsMandatory
Lodgement reference attribute Vendor payment method VendPaymModeTable.DFUAtrributeLodgementRefEnabled

BPAY payment processing

BPAY payment processing is discussed in detail at BPAY payment processing.

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