EDI Freight forwarder

Overview of the Freight forwarder EDI module process

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Process overview - Outbound

Voyage advice

Purchase order details can be sent to the Freight forwarder, when the D365 Purchase order has a Shipping company allocated that is setup as Freight forwarder landed cost Trading partner and has the outbound Voyage advice document setup and enabled.

Process overview - Inbound

Voyage creator

When a D365 Vendor of Shipping type set to Shipping company has been loaded as a Freight forwarder landed cost Trading partner and has the incoming Voyage creator document setup and enabled, the freight forwarder can send the shipment details in order to create a Landed cost Voyage.

Voyage tracking

When a D365 Vendor of Shipping type set to Shipping company has been loaded as a Freight forwarder landed cost Trading partner and has the inbound Voyage tracking document setup and enabled, the freight forwarder can send tracking detail(s) in order to update the Landed cost Voyage’s tracking legs for all containers or for a particular container.

Document errors

When an incoming staging record/document errors, it has not created/updated the target D365 transaction.
When an outgoing staging record/document errors, it has not created the Outbound file.

Staging/document errors can be viewed at:

Users can use Show log and Version log to review the issues. And after the issue has been fixed, reset the status of the record. The next processing batch will pick up the Not started status record.

Fixing Staging-to-Target EDI errors

See FAQ for example errors and possible method(s) of fixing.

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