Cash in Forex contract
Once the Forex contract has expired, users can post the cash in journal for the Remaining amount.
The Forex contract’s Bank account or Vendor account is used in the journal, and as such user will receive an error if neither of these has been filled in when cashing in the remainder of the forex contract. If both Bank account and Vendor account are filled, Bank account field will be used in the cash in journal.
When the system creates the cash in journal, it debits and credits different bank accounts. Therefore, you must set up your system so that a single voucher can have multiple bank lines.
The outcome of cashing in the forex contact is a general journal created (or posted) using the Name as setup in Forex contract parameters field Cash in journal.
The Forex contract’s Bank account or Vendor account is credited and Cash in bank account debited by the Remaining amount and Exchange rate as per the forex contract.
The Forex contract’s Status will also be set to Cashed in.
Cash in transaction can be achieved by either of the following:
Go to Forex contracts > Forex contracts > All forex contracts
Note: If the forex contract has not expired, the journal will not be created and will error with Contract has not expired
Go to Forex contracts > Periodic tasks > Cash in forex contract
Note: One journal will be created with a line per Forex contract cashed in.