Finance Utilities

Encryption / decryption

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Encryption / Decryption

Encryption / Decryption is available utilising the DXC Encryption model.

Once below has been setup, the functionality can be used on the following Finance utilities functionality:

Step 1 - Setup Secrets in Key vault parameters

Setup the following as Secrets in Key vault parameters for the encryption/decryption:

PGP uses a passphrase to encrypt your private key on your machine. Your private key is encrypted on your disk using a hash of your passphrase as the secret key. You use the passphrase to decrypt and use your private key. A passphrase should be hard for you to forget and difficult for others to guess.

Note: It’s recommended to for the Private key, Public key, Receiver’s public key use Azure Storage SAS URL with read only access stored in the keyvault secrets. The SAS url points to the file and includes the token to access it.

Step 2 - Assign Secrets in DXC encryption parameters

Assign above Secrets to the encryption/decryption.
To open the DXC encryption parameters page, go to Organization administration > Setup > DXC encryption > DXC encryption parameters.

Select New and set the fields as described in the following subsection.

Notes on high level:

Step 3 - Use Encryption in Finance utilities

Assign to Finance utilites functionality:

To enable encryption / decryption on the connection:

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