DXC Solutions for DocuSign and Dynamics 365

Setup Templates

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Docusign templates provide the configuration of various documents inside of D365. Templates determine whether the document should be authorised by external users, internal users, or both. Templates also identify the order of authorization and the details of the information and placement of signatory information. At least one template must be created in order to use this module; however multiple templates can be created depending upon business requirements. Templates are created by going to the Organization Administration > Setup > Docusign > Templates page.


On opening the page, the templates overview shows all of the available templates that have been created.

Field Description
Template Select the Unique ID that will be the template name.
Description A description of the template.
Signing sequence The sequence of signing of the Docusign document that will be sent. Three options are available for signing:

External only - only parties external to the business will sign the document.
External/Internal - both external and internal parties must sign the document. The external parties must complete their requirements first.
Internal - Internal parties will sign the document.

When creating a new Docusign template, a new page will open to allow users to create a new template. There are three sections on the New Record Templates page view. The Template section contains the templates overview information outlined above. There are two additional sections available for creating templates and will be outlined below.


In the Signatories section, you will enter the parties that will sign the document, the order of completion, and if there are any dependencies in signing. Multiple parties can be set up in this section to sign a document. The number and type of signatories are defined the Template section.

To add a signatory to the template, select the Add action in the signatory section.

Field Description
Sorting The sorting number determines the order the document will be signed. This will allow users to define if the order will be signed internally or externally first. The Sorting field works in conjunction with Dependency field to identify the order documents are sent through Docusign.
Description A description of the signatory. This will be a description of the person who will be signing the document, such as a Purchasing agent or Sales Manager.
Depedency If there is a dependency required, enter the sorting value of the signatory. This number will determine who signs a document first, and every subsequent signatory.
Type Enter the Type of the party that will sign the document.

External will be a party external to the business.

Internal will be a party within the business (linked to the worker title).

Signatory details

The Signatory details section is used to enter the information that each party will add to the document at signing. The details section is specific to each signatory, and will refresh as you move between signatory records in the Signatories section of the page. You can have different information required for each signatory for any document. Or you may require the same inforamtion for each signatory at the time of signing.

It is important to consider if a document will flow onto multiple pages when setting up the signatory and signatory details on the Templates page. To add signatory details to the template, select the Add action in the signatory details section.

Field Description
Tag Select the specific type of information that will be entered on the doucment by the signing party. The options available are:

- Signature
- Email
- Optional signature
- Full name
- Company
- Initial
- First Name
- Title
- Optional Initial
- Last Name
- Date signed
- Check box
- Radio
- Text
- List (And select applicable List in field Dropdown)

see Field-Types for further details on each Tag
Position Select how the Tag is positioned on the page. Two options are available:

Fixed - the location for entering information will be set based on its location within the document itself. For example, the signature will be set in a fixed position of 200/300 pixels on the first page of a document.
Anchor - the location for entering the information will be set based on its location relative to other text within the document.
Anchor String If the Position field is set to anchor, this field identifies the text value that will be utilized for positioning on the page.
X Enter the X-axis position of the information.
Y Enter the Y-axis position of the information.
Unit Select the unit of measure used for the X and Y values.

I.e. The signature will be required in a position 0/80 piexels from where the text Total appears.

This does not search for a unique field value, If a document has multiple entries of the text value, then it will be required at all locations. Thus, it is important to identify a field text value that only occurs onece on the document.
Page Enter the page to determine how the placement of the information will be determined. Two options are available:

specific - The information will be captured on a specific page of the document. It is mandatory to enter a value in the Page number field if this field is set to specific.
All - The information is to be captured on all pages of the document.
Page Number When the Page field is set to specific, the enter the page number that the signatory details will be captured on.
Radio Groud ID When the Tag field is set to Radio, users will group the raiod buttons together into groups. For each radio button that will be in a single group, they will have the same radio group ID.
Text character limit Set character limit for text.
Dropdown Enabled where Tag is set to List.
Select the applicable dropdown for the list. Dropdown lists are setup in Organization administration > Setup > Docusign > List.

After entering the Template details, users will be able to select which template will be used on a document and set in the Document type page.

Data Entities

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