EDI Customer

EDI Customer - FAQ

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Frequently asked questions

Generic EDI queries

See EDI Core FAQ for generic queries

Fixing Staging-to-Target EDI errors

The following table describes a few staging errors that could be experienced with customer inbound documents at the staging to target step. Short description of possible fixes are discussed. After fix, reset status on the staging record and either manually process again or leave for batch to process.

Note: % contains staging data for the record

Customer purchase order

Error message Method to fix
Could not find address for store code % Navigate to EDI > Setup > Trading partner, filter to applicable customer and add/update address with store code
Field ‘Agreement classification’ must be filled in Navigate to EDI > Setup > Document types. Select document Customer purchase order and the applicable Settings profile used for the staging record (assigned to Trading partner). Select the applicable Agreement classification.
Inventory dimension Site is mandatory and must consequently be specified Setup default site or warehouse on the customer or if no default, original EDI file needs to include these details.
The entered receipt date % is not valid because it is before today Edit ‘Requested receipt date’ to an appropriate date for the staging record at EDI > Documents > Customer documents > Customer purchase order
Item not found: % Dependent on Item Id source in the Setting profile and assigned to Trading partner’s Incoming document, EDI couldn’t find the applicable D365 item number. Either fix staging or setup on the Item.
Sales Agreement for customer %, purchase number % not found Received a Release order referring to Sales agreement that could not be found for the Customer.
1. If sales agreement is not required, update document setting Create release order without blanket order to Yes.
2. Create/import D365 sales agreement or
3. Fix Customer requisition on existing sales agreement (if D365 incorrect)
Missing ASN line configuration on warehouse: % Delivery note has posted, but no ASN created. Assign applicable ASN line configuration on the 3PL warehouse at Inventory management > Setup > Inventory breakdown > Warehouses
Duplicate line number % The staging record contains duplicate data in field Line number. Fix numbering.
Invalid order type The order type can’t be found in the Customer EDI order types mapping assigned to the customer trading partner. If order type is correct, add to the applicable Customer EDI order type group or fix the staging record to the correct order type.
Purchase order % already exists on sales order % Customer requisition duplication. Review Duplicate tolerance on document setting profile assigned to the trading partner. If accept on flagged orders, set the Bypass duplicate check to Yes on the existing D365 sales order.
Invalid delivery postal address The order doesn’t use store code to find the delivery address, and thus uses the delivery address fields to create the sales order. Where the address doesn’t exist on the Customer, the address will be created against the customer and then used on the Sales order. This error will occur if EDI can’t create the address, for example can’t find the state in D365. Fix the delivery address field(s) on the staging record.

Customer purchase order change

Error message Method to fix
Change line not found for % Staging field EDI order change type’s value can’t be found in Order line change type group assigned to the trading partner. Add to the mapping if correct, or fix staging.
Order purpose ‘Original’ not valid for change document Order purpose ‘Original’ can only be imported using document Customer purchase order. Not allowed for Customer purchase order change. Fix settings in order for document to be imported under correct document (example filename mask on Trading partner, or the connection setup filepath).
Price is outside of tolerance (Price = %, agreed price = %) The unit price change is outside the allowed variance as set in the document setting profile.
Sales order for PO % and customer % doesn’t exist. EDI can’t find the D365 based on staging field Customer requisition. Either the sales order hasn’t been created or the values don’t match to D365. Fix staging or D365 sales order.
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