DXC Finance Utilities - AR Utilities

Customer remittance processing

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Customer remittance import

The functionality as described in the following subsections relates to customer remittance import available in additional licensed feature Finance utilities - AR utilities.

Note: The menu items and additional fields on existing menu items are only available where additional licensed feature Finance utilities - AR utilities is enabled.


Customer remittance import includes the following functionality:


The following assumptions apply to the functionality:


The following setup are prerequisites for the Customer remittance import

  1. Accounts receivable parameters
  2. Remittance format
  3. Methods of payment
  4. Financial utilities connection
  5. Periodic task
  6. Customer references - if customer references are to be used to find the applicable D365 customer account


When the file is imported using the periodic task, AR Utilities converts the data as per setup and creates an import using Data management composite entity Customer payment journal.

If the journal hasn’t been created, review Execution details in Data management Job history.

Customer payment journal filter

Filter Imported via financial utilities connection on the Customer payment journal, provides users with the ability to filter to journals imported via the periodic task.

Customer payment journal document handling

Import file is attached where Accounts receivable’s File attachment document type is populated.

Customer payment journal values

Below section describes where each value on the Customer payment journal is sourced from.


Journal field Source
Name Method of payment’s Name
Description Journal name’s Description
Posted Journal is automatically posted where Accounts receivable parameters’s Auto post customer payment journal (Settlement tab) is set to Yes
Modified by Batch job’s Created by
Amounts include sales tax Set to Yes when prepayment voucher is created.


Journal field Source
Date Where Method of payment’s Posting date is set to:
Today’s date
Remittance transaction date - Import file’s mapped field Date
Company Company file is imported
Account Calculated by either of the following methods:
• Import file’s mapped field Reference number’s Customer account
• Import file’s mapped field Invoice’s Invoice account
• Method of payment’s Error account customer if above didn’t find a customer account
Account name Customer’s Name
Invoice Import file’s mapped field Invoice
Description Import file’s mapped field Description
Credit Import file’s mapped field Amount
Currency Customer’s Currency
Offset account type Method of payment’s Account type
Offset account Method of payment’s Payment account
Method of payment Periodic task’s Method of payment
Payment reference Import file’s mapped field Payment reference
Sales tax group Customer’s Sales tax group
Exchange rate Applicable exchange rate for currency
Prepayment journal voucher Set to Yes where invoice is not populated and Accounts receivable’s Create prepayment is set to Yes

Error handling

Standard DMF Error handling applies when the file is imported using composite entiy Customer payment journal.

Scenarios for error in Data management:

The Financial utilities connection includes an error file location.
A file will be moved to error location in the following scenarios:

If you receive error ‘Number sequence 0 does not exist’ in the periodic task - Ensure a Journal name has been selected in the Methods of payment’s Name

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