EDI Customer

Overview of the Customer EDI module process

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Process Overview


Purchase order and Purchase order change

Original (new) orders

EDI customers setup for inbound Customer purchase order can send purchase order files creating either of the following in D365:

The created sales order can be put on hold if certain validation (like unit price) is outside allowed variances.
The sales order can also be put on hold if a Purchase order acknowledgement or Purchase order confirmation is required.


EDI customers setup for inbound Customer purchase order change can make changes to existing D365 sales orders created via EDI, if within the allowed parameters.


EDI customers can also cancel the order by using the Cancellation order purpose and using either document Customer purchase order or Customer purchase order change


EDI customers can use Customer purchase order document with an order purpose of Confirmation to confirm the Customer purchase order acknowledgement they received.

Purchase order acknowledgement

The Customer purchase order acknowledgement can be used to accept or change the details for a sales order created via EDI.
It can be manually processed or setup as a periodic job for allowed scenarios.

Advanced shipping notice (ASN)

Packing slip details for a sales order can be sent to EDI customers setup with Customer advanced shipping notice. If the packing slip is automatically posted via EDI 3PL picking list registration, the document will also be generated.

Sales invoice

Sales invoice details can be sent to EDI customers setup with Sales invoice.
Where a customer can’t process credit notes received via EDI, these can be disabled via document settings.

Sales order

The processed EDI record(s) can be viewed for a sales order, by selecting the History button on the EDI tab on the Action Pane of the Sales order page.
The EDI module have also enhanced the sales order page by adding EDI fields to:

Document errors

When an incoming staging record/document errors, it has not created/updated the target D365 transaction.
When an outgoing staging record/document errors, it has not created the Outbound file.

Staging/document errors can be viewed at:

Users can use Show log and Version log to review the issues. And after the issue has been fixed, reset the status of the record. The next processing batch will pick up the Not started status record.

Fixing Staging-to-Target EDI errors

See FAQ for example errors and possible method(s) of fixing.

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