Finance Utilities

Bank statement reconciliation processing - Bank statement import

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Bank statement import

Manual import

The Bank statement page is used to manually import the bank statement into your D365 environment. Users can navigate to the page by going to Cash and bank management > Bank statement reconciliation > Bank statements

Note: Setup File attachment document type on Financial utilities parameters to attach the import file to the created D365 Bank statement(s).

Select Import statement. Where the selected statement format is marked as Customised format the following additional fields are available on the import:

Field Description Options
From date Select transactions >= this date Calendar
To date Select transactions <= this date Calendar
Date Select which date to use when Mark as new
transactions are posted
• Today’s date
• Statement Transaction Date
(To date of the Bank statement header)

Note: Where the bank statement file contains transactions related to multiple dates and multiple bank accounts (i.e. the file is imported using the option Import statement for multiple bank accounts in all legal entities, separate bank statement records get created in D365 for each bank account.

The Statement ID number sequence in Cash and bank management parameters is used to generate the Statement identifier.

When a bank statement (BAI2/NAI/BRS/Flat file) is imported, statement lines will only be imported where the following matching rules are validated:

  1. If Bank statement format is setup as Customised format, bank statement lines has to be between the From date and To date specified in the Import bank statement.
  2. If Import statement for multiple bank accounts in all legal entities is NOT enabled in the import bank statement screen, the bank account number in the bank statement line has to match the bank account number of the bank account selected in the import bank statement screen.
  3. If Import statement for multiple bank accounts in all legal entities is enabled in the import bank statement screen, the Bank account number in the bank statement line has to match the bank account number of one of the bank accounts in bank master in any of the legal entities.

In addition, where Import statement for multiple bank accounts in all legal entities is enabled, and if D365 finds multiple bank accounts in same/different legal entities with the same bank account number while importing the statement, following order of priority is applied:

  1. Bank accounts with the same Bank account number in the same D365 entity in which user is importing the bank statement, system imports the bank statement to the first identified bank account record.
  2. If the bank account exists within multiple D365 entities, the bank statement is imported into the bank account in the D365 entity from which user is importing the bank statement. If this bank account is not in the entity in which user is importing the bank statement, system imports the bank statement to the first identified bank account record

Periodic import

The bank statement can also automatically be imported by using periodic task Import bank statements via financial utilities connection.

Filter Imported via financial utilities connection on the Bank statement import, can be used to filter to bank statements imported using above periodic task.

Periodic import - errors

Error process if there are issues with creating all the bank statement(s) for the file using the periodic task:

If the Bank statement format is:

Example error that will result in not all bank statement(s) being created: An unique bank account was not found for a Bank account number within the file

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