DXC Item Creation Wizard - File management
D365 FinOps is a cloud based solution, and therefore files cannot automatically be imported from a local file server via a batch job. This .net program allows files to be stored in a local fileserver and automatically uploaded into the ‘blob’ where D365 can process the files.
Setup of the application involves the following steps:
The CONFIG file can be found in the install folder. The file must be opened and updated as follows:
The following 5 folders must be created within the local file directory. The paths can then be updated in the CONFIG file.
<!-- Client settings -->
<add key="Input Directory" value="C:\temp\DIXF\input" />
<add key="Preprocess Directory" value="C:\temp\DIXF\preprocess" />
<add key="InProcess Directory" value="C:\temp\DIXF\inprocess" />
<add key="Error Directory" value="C:\temp\DIXF\error" />
<add key="Success Directory" value="C:\temp\DIXF\success" />
<add key="Process Interval" value="1" />
<add key="Logging Level" value="2" />
Key | Description |
Input directory | Anything located in this folder will be uploaded to the ‘blob’. Subfolders can be included for management of files, folder structure will recorded against the imported file. |
PreProcess directory | Files being prepared for upload will be moved here. |
InProcess directory | Any files that in process will be moved here. |
Error directory | Any files that error will be moved here. |
Success directory | Once a file has been successfully uploaded, it will be moved here. |
Process interval | Specify the frequency for the service (mins) |
Logging level | By default, the config file has logging level set to 2. The Log will be written to the computer’s event and viewable from event viewer. Possible values: 0 – only log error 1 – log error and warning 2 – log info, error and warming |
<!-- Server side settings -->
<add key="AAD Tenant" value="???.com" />
<add key="Azure Auth Endpoint" value="https://login.windows.net/" />
<add key="Azure Client ID" value="08cd1730-1894-4af9-g9Tn-d6c561f3ab29" />
<add key="Dynamics AX Uri" value="https://environment.cloudax.dynamics.com" />
<add key="SecretKey" value=".jOd16-YV7ROKcyeYGgJtuxvL444pU_-eO" />
For the Azure app registration make sure that the following is correct:
The following must be updated in the configuration file:
Key | Description |
AAD Tenant | Azure Active Directory Tenant ie. companyname.onmicrosoft.com. |
Azure Auth Endpoint | Azure Portal authorization for external client. |
Azure Client ID | From Azure AD app registration: Overview -> Application (client) ID. |
Dynamics AX URL | Website Path. |
SecretKey | . |
<!-- Data transfer settings -->
<add key="Recurring Job ID" value="CD78E40F-4BBB-48F6-B18E-4A32051CE35B" />
<add key="Company" value="USMF" />
Key | Description |
Recurring Job ID | Once the Data Management import job is completed, the recurring job ID can be entered into the config file. |
Company | Specify the company within D365 for Operations where the files will be uploaded to. |
Once installation and configuration have been completed, the Dynamics AX File Uploader service must be started on the local machine.
Where you need to change between Dev/Test/SBox/Prod environments you will need to keep separate config files.
A recurring job needs to be configured within D365 FinOps via data management. This can be accessed from Workspaces > Data management > Import.
**System administration > Setup > Azure active directory applications