DXC Item Creation Wizard

DXC Item Creation Wizard - Releasing an existing item to another company

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Releasing an existing item to another company

Item creation extends on the standard AX functionality for releasing a product into a new company by also populating the values present on the released product. Fields included in the release template can also be updated, this allows for fields with values that are not consistant between companies to reflect the value required in the new company. Release templates are then submitted to the Item creation workflow for approval prior to the the released product being created.

Release templates can be initiated from the All creation items form by selecting an active template with a template type of release to a new company. All creation items can be accessed by navigating to Item creation > Item creation > All creation items.

  1. Click New.
  2. Select Template name with a template type of release to a new company.
  3. Select the Item number the update will be applied to.
  4. Click OK to open the Designer form.
  5. Complete the fields as per your templates requirements.
  6. Click Validate to confirm fields and display the workflow menu.
  7. Under workflow, click Submit to commence the Item creation workflow.
  8. If this is the last Step it will either update the released product or request an Approval. This will be determined by the workflow configuration.

If there are more Steps to complete then the next user(s) will need to complete their Steps. Normally your workflow will be configured to email them or send them an alert to advise that there is a workflow action for them to attend to. To complete their step, they must:

  1. Navigate to Item creation > Item creation > Open creation items.
  2. Select the relevant record.
  3. Click on the Designer icon in the action pane.
  4. Complete the fields as per your templates requirements.
  5. Click Validate to display workflow menu.
  6. Click Submit to continue the Item creation workflow.

Note: It is possible to Close at any time; your entries will be saved.

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