DXC Item Creation Wizard

DXC Item Creation Wizard - Update item status

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Update item status

A periodic job is available that can update the item status with a specified effective date, this can be run for a range of items. Category hierarchy can be used to help select these products to be included. This allows for item status to be planned and updated prior to the effective date. The periodic job can be accessed from Item creation > Periodic tasks > Update item status.

  1. Select the From Status, only the selected items matching this status will be updated.
  2. Select the To Status.
  3. Enter an Effective date if required.
    • To make effective immediately, leave blank.
  4. Select a Category hierarchy if required to filter down to a group of products.
  5. Select the items to be updated.
  6. Select OK.

Note: Optionally select the Run in the background tab to run in batch processing. Please see Microsoft User Guides for further information

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