DXC Item Creation Wizard

Introduction to DXC Item Creation Wizard - All creation items

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All creation items

Item creation > Item creation > All creation items.

Field Description
Creation number Unique identification for the creation record.
Import session Reference to the import session. Only populated for imported products.
Template version The template name and version number used for this record
Product Product identifier for created/updated item.
Step Step that next requires an action to be taken, either to enter information or action workflow approval.
New item number If the template is creating a new item number, this will be reference. Used for creation templates.
Existing item number If the template references an existing item number this will be referenced. Used for update templates.
Company Company the item will be created/updated in.
Status Represent the stage of processsing through the workflow.
* Not submitted - Import session was not submitted to workflow. Can be caused by a validation error or difference in mask and number of import fields.
* Submitted - Import session has been submitted to workflow and is awaiting processing.
* Approved - Import session has been approved in workflow and is awaiting actions.
* Completed - Import session has been processed through workflow and items created/udpated.
* Canceled - Workflow has been recalled.


The designer will be presented to the user as the item creation process is initiated. This form can subsequently be accessed from the All creation items form for users needing to update the record prior to submission to workflow, or resulting from feedback received on rejection of the workflow submission.

When opening the designer, only those tabs and fields for the step referenced can be updated. Previously approved steps are locked for editing.

Open creation items

Presents a filtered list of records found in the All creation items list page. Records with an active status value of Not submitted, Approved and Submitted will be visible.

Creation items assigned to me

Presents a filtered list of records found in the All creation items list page. Records that require a workflow action be undertaken by the user will be visible.

Creation import sessions assigned to me

Presents a filtered list of records found in the Import sessions list page. Records that require a workflow action be undertaken by the user will be visible.

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